Built-in plotting functions

Plotting functions are available to visualize the various profiles of the deprojected Sérsic mass distributions:




Plot all profiles


Plot circular velocity


Plot enclosed mass (in spheres)


Plot mass density


Plot log density slope


Plot projected mass surface density


Plot projected enclosed mass (in ellipses)

Note that a range of inputs can be passed to these plotting functions, as demonstrated below. These include either either individual pre-computed tables or DeprojSersicModel instances, or a list of either of these types.

import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import deprojected_sersic_models as deproj_sersic

# Basic plotting example
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'   # Tutorial plot configuration

total_mass = 1.e11
Reff = 5.0
n = 1.0
invq = 5.
R = np.arange(0., 30.1, 0.1)

Plot circular velocity

# Load & interpolate circular velocity profile
vc = deproj_sersic.interpolate_sersic_profile_VC(R=R, total_mass=total_mass, Reff=Reff,
                                       n=n, invq=invq, path=table_dir)

# Make pseudo table & plot
table_gather = {'R': R, 'vcirc': vc, 'n': n, 'invq': invq, 'q': 1./invq,
                    'total_mass': total_mass, 'Reff': Reff }


Plot enclosed mass

# Load & interpolate enclosed mass profile
menc = deproj_sersic.interpolate_sersic_profile_menc(R=R, total_mass=total_mass, Reff=Reff,
                                           n=n, invq=invq, path=table_dir)

# Make pseudo table & plot
table_gather = {'R': R, 'menc3D_sph': menc, 'n': n, 'invq': invq, 'q': 1./invq,
                    'total_mass': total_mass, 'Reff': Reff }


Plot all profiles for a table

table = deproj_sersic.interpolate_entire_table(R=R, total_mass=total_mass, Reff=Reff,
                                     n=n, invq=invq, path=table_dir)

# Plot all profiles in table

Ploting multiple tables

invq_arr = [1., 2.5, 3.33, 5., 10.]
tables = []
# Load & interpolate table for each n, invq
for invq in invq_arr:
    tables.append(deproj_sersic.interpolate_entire_table(R=R, total_mass=total_mass, Reff=Reff,
                                               n=n, invq=invq, path=table_dir))

# Plot all profiles in tables
fig_kwargs = {'legend_fontsize': 7.}
deproj_sersic.plot.plot_profiles(tables, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs)


It is also possible to plot subsets of the different profiles, and change the plotting settings (including rlog, ylog, plot_kwargs, and fig_kwargs).

# Customize
linestyles = ['-', '--', ':', '-.', '-']
colors = ['black', 'blue', 'red', 'green', 'purple']
lws = [1., 1., 1., 1., 2.]
markers = [None, None, '*', None, None]
markersizes = [None, None, 10, None, None]
markerfacecolors = [None, None, 'red', None, None]
markeredgecolors = [None, None, 'turquoise', None, None]
markeverys = [None, None, 50, None, None]
plot_kwargs = []
for i, invq in enumerate(invq_arr):
    # plot_kwargs can be a dictionary, or a list of dictionaries.
    # The keywords can include any keyword taken by matplotlib.pyplot.plot.
    plot_kwargs.append({'label': 'q={:0.2f}'.format(1./invq),
                        'ls': linestyles[i],
                        'color': colors[i],
                        'lw': lws[i],
                        'marker': markers[i],
                        'ms': markersizes[i],
                        'mfc': markerfacecolors[i],
                        'mec': markeredgecolors[i],
                        'markevery': markeverys[i]})

# fig_kwargs contains a few odds and ends customizations.
# This includes any accepted keywords for plt.figure with 'figure_' prepended,
# or any accepted keyword for matplotlib.axes.Axes.legend with 'legend_' prepended
fig_kwargs = {'figure_figsize': (8., 7.),
              'legend_title': 'Intrinic axis ratio',
              'legend_title_fontsize': 7.,
              'legend_fontsize': 13.,
              'legend_labelcolor': 'linecolor'}

                       prof_names=['v_circ', 'enclosed_mass', 'density', 'dlnrho_dlnR'],
                       rlog = [False, True, True, False],
                       ylog = [False, True, True, False],
                       plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs)