
From Source

deprojected_sersic_models can be installed from source. Before installing the package, you will need to install python (v3) and the dependent packages (numpy, scipy, matplotlib, astropy, dill).


To handle dependencies (including possible clashes with other packages), we recommend using a separate python environment (such as an Anaconda python environment).

The Anaconda installation and environments guides lead through the necessary steps to create a new Anaconda python environment.

Download v1.1: tar.gz | zip

The most recent release version can be downloaded from the repository.

The package can then be installed from the command line as follows:

$ tar zxvf deprojected_sersic_models-N.N.N.tar.gz
$ cd deprojected_sersic_models-N.N.N
$ python install

where N.N.N should be replaced with the current version number. After the installation is complete, you should be able to access the module by running import deprojected_sersic_models within python.

Code Repository

The most up-to-date version of the code can be obtained by cloning the repository on GitHub: From within the target code location directory, run:

$ git clone git://

This installation directory should also be added to your system $PYTHONPATH variable.