- deprojected_sersic_models.table_generation.calculate_sersic_profile_table(n=1.0, invq=5.0, output_path=None, total_mass=50000000000.0, Reff=1.0, logR_min=-2.0, logR_max=2.0, nSteps=101, include_R0=True, i=90.0, cumulative=None, filename_base='deproj_sersic_model', fileout=None, overwrite=False)[source]
Calculate the Sersic profile table for a specific Sersic index n and inverse axis ratio invq.
- Parameters:
n (float) – Sersic index
invq (float) – Inverse intrinsic axis ratio
output_path (str) – Path to directory where the Sersic profile table will be saved If not set, system variable
must be set. Default: system variableDEPROJECTED_SERSIC_MODELS_DATADIR
, if specified.total_mass (float, optional) – Total mass of the Sersic profile [Msun]. Default: total_mass = 5.e10 Msun
Reff (float, optional) – Effective radius [kpc]. Default: Reff = 1 kpc
logR_min (float, optional) – Log of minimum radius to calculate, relative to Reff. Default: logR_min = -2. (or R_min = 10^(-2.) * Reff)
logR_max (float, optional) – Log of maximum radius to calculate, relative to Reff. Default: logR_max = +2. (or R_max = 10^(+2.) * Reff)
nSteps (int, optional) – Number of radii steps to calculate. Default: 101
include_R0 (bool, optional) – Include R=0 in table or not. Default: True
i (float, optional) – Inclination of model (to determin q_obs relative to the intrinsic axis ratio q.) Default: i = 90 deg
cumulative (bool, optional) – Shortcut option to only calculate the next annulus, then add to the previous Menc(R-Rdelt). Default: Uses cumulative if n >= 2.
filename_base (str, optional) – Base filename to use, when combined with default naming convention:
. Default:deproj_sersic_model
fileout (str, optional) – Option to override the default filename convention and instead directly specify the file location.
overwrite (bool, optional) – Option to overwrite the FITS file, if a previous version exists. Default: False (will throw an error if the file already exists).