
deprojected_sersic_models.interpolate_sersic_profile_dlnrho_dlnR_function(n=1.0, invq=5.0, path=None, filename_base='deproj_sersic_model', filename=None, table=None, interp_type='cubic')[source]

Return function to interpolate dlnrho/dlnR (R) at arbitrary radii R, for arbitrary Mtot and Reff.

Uses the saved table of dlnrho/dlnR(R) values for a given Sersic index n and invq, and performs scaling and interpolation to map the profile onto the new Reff. (by mapping the radius using R’ = (R/Reff * table_Reff) )

  • n (float) – Sersic index

  • invq (float) – Inverse of the intrinsic axis ratio of Sersic profile, invq = 1/q

  • path (str, optional) – Path to directory containing the saved Sersic profile tables. If not set, system variable DEPROJECTED_SERSIC_MODELS_DATADIR must be set. Default: system variable DEPROJECTED_SERSIC_MODELS_DATADIR, if specified.

  • filename_base (str, optional) – Base filename to use, when combined with default naming convention: <path>/<filename_base>_nX.X_invqX.XX.fits Default: deproj_sersic_model

  • filename (str, optional) – Option to override the default filename convention and instead directly specify the file location.

  • interp_type (str, optional) – Default profile interpolation within the table Rarr region. (Extrapolation is always linear). Default: cubic

  • table (dict, optional) – Option to pass the Sersic profile table, if already loaded.



Return type:
